Focuses made easy
As long as your children are small, give them roots.
When they grow up, give them wings.
Khali Gibran
Focal points
Learn English- Properly:
This is how we teach
The decisive factor is how the language is learned. We believe in the immersion principle. We teach English in a playful way. The English Play Corner is surrounded by an English environment. All members of staff speak English to one another. The children are introduced to English in a natural and playful way, throughout our daily routine. First children are taught single words, move on to short sentences and finally to more complex conversation, just as they would acquire their mother tongue. We believe in the so called “sandwich technique”. (English- German- English)
Multi- sensorial language teaching
The English language is supported with actions, gestures, indications and pictures.
Learning through play
Learning situations are always playing situations. Through joining the English Play Corner the children are submerged into the world of English language. For our toddlers (mice) English is introduced in the everyday routine. (e.g.) put on your paint shirt, wash your hands, sit down.) For our 3 to 6 years groups (bunnies and bears) English is spoken throughout the day. German will only be used when dangerous or complicated situations arise.
Learner based language teaching
- fun games, songs and stories
- small groups
- hearing, repetitions and imitation
- qualified staff
Basic documents
The English Play Corner works constantly on it´s pedagogical concept. We use the following basic documents for our work:
1. der " Bundesländerübergreifende Bildungsrahmenplan"
2. der "Leitfaden zur spreachlichen Förderung am Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Volksschule"
3.das "Modul für Fünfjährige"
4. der "Werteleitfaden" ("Werte leben, Werte bilden")
The children discover themselves and the world around them through movement. Through Physical Education, the child's cognitive, social, emotional and creative abilities are developed and are an important educational goal for us.
Movement is…
… included in our daily routine.
… offered through special, fun activities.
… developed during freeplay ouside, visits to the woods and excursions.
Our Outdoor Day:
Every Wednesday our 3-6 year olds spend the morning out in the open. We explore the nearby woods at the foot of the Gaisberg. The forest offers the children many opportunities to get to know their body and their senses.
We also offer regular excursions to extend the children’s learning and adventure experiences.
In springtime even our little ones start exploring the woods.
Wood project:
Once a year, for two weeks, the mornings take place for everyone in the woods. At our camp at the foot of the Gaisberg, the children have the opportunity to move, explore, experiment and play using all their senses. This takes place no matter what the weather is like. The children have the whole morning to enjoy nature, a morning snack and songs together.
We provide magnifying glasses, microscopes, shovels, ropes and more to support our children´s interest and motivation. During our wood project lunch is served in the back garden, in a quiet and calm area protected from weather conditions as of rain.
On our last day we invite the parents to join us in the woods, to create a special and exciting end to our yearly project.
The English Play Corner enjoys a freshly cooked meal prepared here in our own kitchen every day. Our cook Susi prepares “snack” in the morning and our two-course lunch.
For the morning snack, the children are offered daily fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables from our region. In order to offer the children a varied diet, there is a snack with milk products once a week, full grain cereals, dried fruits and a colorful fruit dish or fruit salad. 4 days a week there is a variety of bread, pastries, homemade croissants,
cold cuts, fruits and vegetables. We place great importance on using regional products.
For lunch, the children are offered traditional home cooking; a mix of sweet and savoury, always healthy and always extraordinary. Our two course menu is made with fresh ingredients and lots of love!
We offer support in every aspect. We set impulses that offer every child to find their own pace, create their own mind set, follow their interest and strengths. At the same time we give our children the boundries they need that are necessary to help develop becoming a healthy independent individual.
We are equipped with enough staff in order for us to offer individual care in small groups if necessary.
Characteristic for our kindergarten is the homey atmosphere. We are situated in a detached house which used to be a family home. For that reason it feels like you are stepping into some ones home rather than into a child care facility. We have little cozy and big bright corners and rooms to offer which make it again very special when it comes to our activities. The children are the centre of our educational focuses.

Freedom & childhood
As long as your children are small, give them roots.
When they get bigger, give them wings.
Khalil Gibran